A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Thursday, December 14, 2006


By: Quicksilver
(c) 2006
UgL Records

I Got something to say
And I'll say it quick
But be sure it'll stick
In ya head this day
(At least thats what I prey)

Ya see I dont say it enough
Maybe because I wanna act big n' tough
But I love you with all my heart
Cuz you love me when times are rough
Ya even lov me when life is in the dark
We will be together forever
Get thru the good n' the bad
Cuz we gotten through all that we allready
Im glad to be with you
My love for you is oh so true

I know it doesnt always show
But my Love is always there
Never think that it is never near
No matter what I'll always be with you
Cuz Girl your my baby boo
Who ever says we are not ment to be
Can just go climb up a tree
Then fall out while gettin stung by a bee (HaHaHaHa)

Baby your the love of my life
And soon It'll be official
Cuz you'll be my loving wife
To love and to hold
In sickness and in health
No matter the wealth

I pledge my love n' life to you
We belong together no matter what life throws in our path
We'll just stare up at it and luagh (HaHaHaHa)
We'll be together, Now and Forever
With the help of God and our angel above
We'll get through anthing
All we need is our love
And that's something that'll lastver
So get ready, We're going to have a blast


song of the day---> "My Name Is...." by Hightyde (f) Ambie from the God Loves Company CD
website of the day--> www.myspace.com/hightyde <---add this guy, great christain rapper!!!!!


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