A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

....Let Me Get In Order.....

Alright, we are going to vent, rant and rave a little bit. well i have 2 jobs now right and i have for a while now. but now I am getting treated like crap at starbucks. i dont understand it, i mean i am doing everything right if the schedule conficts then i get someone to work and i let them know in the right amount of time so everything should be good right? wrong, i still get treated like crap. i dont understand because like a few months ago a few of those people that are treating me bad where treating me really good and we got along great. awe well they might just be having a bad day, I can not hold that against them. I should just look the other way and not let it anger me, everything will work out in the end.
On the bussniess side of things, i need to get 600 P3 or P4 computers within 10 days so this guy can have them to complete an order that he is trying to get out. This is going to be really hard and i am trying but when you tell someone that you need 600 they freak out and just laugh. now i know that it is a lot to ask and i realize that, thas why i tell them that i can just use whatever they have because every little bit helps.
Anywho i have been getting better sleep the past week or so but saturday is going to be a looooong day, i work 2P-6A that day, yes that is a 16 hour shift and now i do not get time off for a lunch there we have to get lunches during our free time, which is okay because it is not that hard of a job. So that will be cool.
My uncle was in the demo derby this past weekend at the guersney co. fair. He is doing it in memory of my grandma that died a year ago. He won his heat and he got 2nd in the final because of a engine malfunction. But instead of getting out and doing his little dance that he is famous for he go out and pointed to his heart and pointed up to the sky which was really touching. Also he donated all of his winnings (aprox. $240.00) to cancer research which was what took my grandmas life. (breast cancer)
Well i think that is good for today i will post something else tommorow but until that time comes try to keep all ya'll heads above water and hang in there because tommorow is another day.



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