A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Friday, March 20, 2009

I Come Back From the Dead And Tell Em' Kill Me Again

hey all just found my user name and password and stuff to this thing, so i thought i would post on it. Just to give an update I got a new job. I now work for a security company. Yup that is right, Its "Top Flight Motherfuckin Security of the WORLD Craig!" and that is only funny to those who have seen the Friday Movies. Anyways I just wanted to post to show to all those who might read this that i am back and going to be posting a bit here and there again. Also i DJ for an online radio station so those who want some awesome music to listen to while they surf the web then check out www.manicradio.net Below are some other things to keep you busy as well.

- search for brentalfloss on youtube : this guy is really funny and his vidoes are good and fun to watch

-check out www.myspace.com/uglrecordsincfui

allrighty well i am going to get off here. Take care all and be sure to check back often.
