A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Saturday, November 11, 2006

"What You Gonna Do? (Huh)"

"What you Gonna Do? (Huh)"
By: Quicksilver
(c) 2006
UgL Records

I hate everything about you
You dumb son of a bitch, you know it be true
You started somethin' ya' wish ya hadn't
Yea thats right I said it
Say some shit you gay little bitch
Your gonna wish you would have quit
Cuz know your gonna get slit
Ya want my bitch
well you can have her
But not before I knock you out and expose you
To those sad enough to know you
Now, Tell me what the fuck you gonna do (huh?)

Nathain, you are a pussy as bitch who runs away
But I will stand and fight you bitch your gay

Ya wanna battle, listen man and answer me this
Are you a pussy and is dick somehting that you would suck
And is a bitch someone that you would fuck
No, Im not talkin about a women, but only a dog that is helpless and stuck
Well I guess thats all you can get with your dumb luck
Your lucky i didnt beat your ass like the ugly duckling
But the next time your bitch ass wont be so lucky
So come on and just try to fight me!
You loose I win, you can T-T-Take that
Its one to nothing so suck it!
And for those who said I'd loose T-T-Take that!!!

Song for the day--> "Slap" by Ludacris from his new album -Release Therepy-

portions from HIghtyde's songs "Take That" & "Nathain" from the "Good Advice" album


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