A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Friday, November 26, 2004

Just Another Day!

Allrighty people, i decided to make a post at the end of the day. Today my girlfriend came over. She left at around 7 p.m. mostley because i have to get up @ 4 a.m. tommorow and I need my sleep.
But we watched a Mitch Headberg DvD, ate some chicken wings,cucumbers,and cole slaw and watched some television. The simpson's where on at 5 p.m. so we watched them together....Made for a very romantic day don't ya' think. She might come over tommorow and spend the night so hopefully that will happen. Tommorow is also the day that my brother is going to spend thanksgiving with us, so that should be fun (sarcasticly speaking)
But anyway i am waiting for Mr. Deeds to come on the t.v. @ 8:00 so i can watch it...I Love that movie..."That's Hawian Punch!" lol awe good times. Well anyway i am going to end this entrey, and i will leave you with a "Song for the moment" also a "Website for the Hour". Oh yeA and if you have a website and want to try and get it on the website for the day then email your URL to day_turns_to_night@yahoo.com aeighty until next time folks...Peace and One!


Song for the Moment: "Astounded" by Tantric

Website for the Hour: www.hightyde.com -----> A really good religious Rap Artist, sounds strange i know, but he is really good....compare his style and voice to eminem.

My First Post

This is my first post on my new blog. So yippie for me. I want to start off by saying that i am going to have a song of the day, which will be a song that I highley suggest you add to your iPods,iTunes playlist, Winamp's playlist or what have you. And i will also have a quote of the day which will be a quote that i particurley think that is interesting. And last, I will have a website for the day which is i site that i find interesting,useful and suggest you go to and/or add to your bookmarks. Also for all those that are reading this i have new message boards located at http://uglair.board.dk.com So please join them and post often. Thanks. oh yeA check often because i might throw in a specail thing for the day/week/month/year weather it be book,food,cd, movie so be on the look out for those.
Well yesterday was thanksgiving and I think i gained about 80 pounds....no joke. I dont think I have ate so much before in my life. First off I picked up my girlfriend and we went to my Grandparents house, then my aunts, then her grandparents, then finaly ended up at her house. Overall it was a good day, with a lot of really good food.
Today not much has happened being that it is only noon-time. I might put a post on tonight but then again I might not....who knows depends on my mood. Anways...Until next time...Peace and One!


Song of the Day: "Crossroads" by Bone Thugs ~n~ Harmony

Quote of the Day: "A Hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane, and smells like Cheetah" by Ronald Reagan

Website for the Day: http://uglair.board.dk3.com ---> My message boards, has a varitey of topics. Please help them grow.