A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Hey everyone well a lot of good news to get to so without further delay lets get to it.
My Girlfriend and I got our own house, it is a fixer-upper but it is a place to live and we like it. Also it is in town, not in B.F.E. like we was, so that means that we can have high speed internet. Which we have! It is awesome the only bad thing is that the Ethernet Card in my iMac is fryed i think so we have to use my girlfriends laptop which is fine, at least we can enjoy it, and perhaps for christmas I will get Airport so i can have wireless internet and i can use my iMac for the internet as well as her Laptop which will be nicer.
I start at the hospital here in about a week, I will be working third shift as a M.S.T. which will be fun and i will be getting paid really good money which again is always good.
Well that is all for now so until next time.......

Peace and One!

Song of the Day: "Incomplete" by The Backstreet Boys <----unbelievable that i like one of their songs, but it is not really pop like there other songs.

Quote of the day: "Motherf*cker!" by The Token Black Guy from "Not Another Teen Movie"

Website of the Day: (Recommend your site send a email to day_turns_to_night@yahoo.com and put website of the day nominee in the subject line)


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