A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

A Lot New So Let's Get To It

Okay people I know i have not posted in forever of a time, but my internet was down due to my phone bill not being paid, but i am back on track and will start posting ounce again. Sorry about the delay. A Lot has been going down so lets get too it!
First off I hope everyone had a great new year! I did. Well to start things out my "best-friend" and me are in a little argument, he is being a giant arse so yeA we will see how things go with that and i will keep you updated. My seasonal job with Harry & Davied/Jackson & Perkins has come to a end and now I am working on getting a job with Primerica and Golfworks. Still at Fedex though. Also i have found out that my drivers liscence are suspended due to 12 points on my liscence. That is not good so i had to spend $50.00 and take a driving class for 8 hours which was really boring and i am going to the courthouse to see if i can get work and school driving privliges which would help me out a lot because right now my girlfriend is driving my car and taking me to work and what not. I finaly paid off my traffic ticket which was a nice fee of about $212.00 overall.....I swear i do not have the money for this stuff. In my Opinon the government is getting too rich off this kinda stuff and for all the stuff we have to pay for there is no reason there should be a friggin' national debt, but hey who am I.....(don't answer that lol) Well it is getting late and I have to get up and go to Fedex at 4:30 a.m. so until tommorow.....

Peace and One!

Quote of the Day---> "The internet is a great way to get on the net." - Bob Dole, Republican presidential candidate-

Song for the Day---> "I Just Wanna Live" by Good Charlotte from there :Chronicals of Life and Death: CD

Website for the Day---> www.fedex.com <----- Need to ship a Package..Ship if fedex, they are always on time and also Fire Free (unlike UPS)


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