A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Here's a Song About Beans

This day is weird and wacky! So Lets get started.
First of all the bad stuff....My girlfriends grandparents who i thought liked me and supported me and ness, well they went off on me today and she threated to slap me. so we are not getting along with them at the moment, they went off on me for really no reason i mean the are pissed off that i wrecked ness's car but we all make mistakes and there is no reason to do and treat me the way that they are. The car had nothing to do with them, it is in ness's name and everything so they need to butt out. At least i know that her other grandparents support us and is on our side which is nice to know that i am not completly hated. Oh yeA and also her momma does not think that i am good enough for ness anymore also they think that I am going to leave her when i get my liscence back here in about a week or 2 which is ludacris because when we first stared dating i drove 45 minutes several times a week to just see her and i also saw her pretty much every day when i had my liscence. So they need to "back off barbie". Also ness lost her scholorship for college and is having some issues there which i am sure we will work out.
On the bright side of things me and her a now engagged to be married in Fall of 2008 which we are both looking forword too.
Well it is getting late and i suppose i aught to be getting to bed so until next time........

Peace & One,

Song for the Day---> "Whiskey Lulabye" by Brad Paisly (f) Allison Krauss <---One of the few contrey songs that i Really like, great song!

Quote for the Day--->"I voted republicain this year, democrats left a bad taste in my mouth" by Monica Lewenskey

Website of the Day---> www.netscape.com <---Good email service, fun games, and overall a good site....also has a better browser then Microsoft Internent Explorer.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Knuck If You Buck Boy!

Hey, Hey, Hey eveyone, It's me here again.
Okay tonight is my first night that I am going to be working for the hospital. I am working 7 P.M. to 7 A.M. doing Multi-Skilled Tech work. It should be fun, I think i got plenty of sleep good thing is that I do not have to go into FedEx tommorow.
I went and go my Hepatitius B vaccine for the hospital today, It was not as bad as i thought the nurse was really good at it, my arm hurt for a little afterwords but that was because i tensed up. I also got retested for T.B. because i did not get my other one read in time, so i am not going to make that mistake again.
Vanessa is cleaning out her car that got wrecked, the whole back end is damaged and I think that the frame might be bent in that case it will be totaled. And i am going to give her my car and/or buy another really cheap nice car.
As far as Fedex goes i am having problems there I dont think that i want to continue to work there. I dont know, it is just really hard to get up that early and it is putting alot of stress on ness. But we will see how it goes.
Okay well i better get going, have to leave for work in 15 minutes so until next itme......

Peace & One,

Website of the Day---> www.moviebud.com <----Good source for movie info and some really good fourms.

Song of the Day---> 'Switch' by Will Smith <---Good song with a catchy beat, I like his music and his movies.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

NOT Insomnia with Dave Atell

Okay I Can not sleep....well i could at first but my girlfriend can not, so she woke me up and now i can not go back to sleep. Sorry for not posting....but hey here i am.
Today was crazy and i mean that in the best way possiable, First I was pulling outta the driveway/abandoned alley beside our house and some Biga** Lincoln came flying down our 25mph road at about 45 and hit me (I was in my girlfriends car) so hard that it moved the car sideways and it hit my car! Her car is messed up mine just has a little dent and the tail-light glass busted out. So now we gotta figure out how in the world i am going to get that fixed.
Brandon came over today and that is the first time we have talked in like 4 months, we have been fighting but I have been doing alot of thinking and talking to people and i decided that it is better to let things go and make amends before something bad happens to someone and you end on a bad note. We just went and played 500 Rummy and sat around and had some High and i mean HIGH dude come up to our pourch and start talking to us about roses and it was funnier than hell! lol, we truley do live in the Ghetto....that is why she can not sleep,she is afraid something will happen....
Anyways I am going to end this and try and go back to bed......So until next time.....

Peace and One!

ALBUM of theDa.....errr.....night: "Insomniac" by Green Day

Website of the Night: www.yahoo.com/games <-----playing alot of Euchure on here

Quote of the Night: "Fo' Free!" by the high black dude that came up to our pourch

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Hey everyone well a lot of good news to get to so without further delay lets get to it.
My Girlfriend and I got our own house, it is a fixer-upper but it is a place to live and we like it. Also it is in town, not in B.F.E. like we was, so that means that we can have high speed internet. Which we have! It is awesome the only bad thing is that the Ethernet Card in my iMac is fryed i think so we have to use my girlfriends laptop which is fine, at least we can enjoy it, and perhaps for christmas I will get Airport so i can have wireless internet and i can use my iMac for the internet as well as her Laptop which will be nicer.
I start at the hospital here in about a week, I will be working third shift as a M.S.T. which will be fun and i will be getting paid really good money which again is always good.
Well that is all for now so until next time.......

Peace and One!

Song of the Day: "Incomplete" by The Backstreet Boys <----unbelievable that i like one of their songs, but it is not really pop like there other songs.

Quote of the day: "Motherf*cker!" by The Token Black Guy from "Not Another Teen Movie"

Website of the Day: (Recommend your site send a email to day_turns_to_night@yahoo.com and put website of the day nominee in the subject line)