A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Thursday, October 06, 2005

And I Wounder....Day to Day.....

I know i have not posted for a day or 2 but hey i have been enjoying my time off from work so buzz off!

Anway now that is done lets get down to the nitty gritty.......

Ness is going to work now, so that means i gotta find stuff to do......translation....watch tv, get on computer and eat food ( what little food we have right now ) i need to get my paycheck, we are pretty much flat broke until tommorow......which kinda sucks, but it happens.

Sitting here listening to Godsmack (which, they will have the song of the day just for a heads up) I have to work day shift tommorow which is fine with me i get paid for 12 more hours but it kinda sucks because dayshift sucks balls pretty much, but hey it happens.

My mom came over and helped us clean our house, she is on a cleaning streak i told her she might as well go door to door and ask if people needed there house cleaned for 10.00 she could make one hell of a killin'.

Anway i am gonna be gettin out of here so until next time......

Peace & One

Song of the Day --> "Time Bomb" by Godsmack


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