A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Monday, October 10, 2005


Penn State Wins!

They beat the Ohio State Buckeye's in a good game the score was 17-10 in favor of PSU!

I have the day off today which is good, last night went by sooooooo slow. And I am flippin' hungry. I think i might run up and grab a bite to eat....might sound like a grand idiea. but i am not sure what i will get. maybe just something at burger king or something of that nature. I have to make sure i get something for ness if i do because well.....she will get a little angry which is understandable....so yeA gotta make sure i do that.

Well i am going to skidaddle (prob. spelled that wrong but hey....who cares....)

Peace & One

Song of the Day -->


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