A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Friday, October 07, 2005

My Fofo (The Call Out)

The Call Out

Man you be crazy f*ukin' with me
You think you big and bad.....
Well I Be mad and then get glad
Try that sh*t you did before dog
And I'll destroy ya' in the fog

You a Pu**y B*tch Dog
All Talk and no Walk
I didn't mess witchu' Dog
Cuz I keep telling myself im not like you
But try it again B*tch and I'll get real witchu'

Your a two faced Wagsta
Tryin to act like some kinda gangsta
You arn't sh*t
You just a baby throwing a little fit
So sit back and shut up B*tch

YeA, I'm coming after you
And im not them boys in Blue
Im the Don Juan
And Im gonna fry you up like Won Ton

Try and respond back B*tch
Stop trying to stop your itch
Cuz we know you be messin' with dem hoes
ANd you know they have a big ass nose

I just want it to be known that I did NOT start this, but I will finish it!



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