A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Cuz I Love you......

Hey everyone whats up......Hard Time Hustlin'.......

I have to leave for work here in about a half hour so I thought that i would make a quick entry. Things are going okay......As good as they are ever going to get. Ness is at work she does not get off until around 9:00 tonight so yeA......I get off work at around 7 in the morning.....gotta love those 12 hour shifts......Have not heard from Brandon yet......if he is trying to get a hold of us he cant anyway by phone because our cell phones are turned off at the moment.....awe well that happens.....

Dont cha' hate it when people let you down.....man i sure do........Awe well i am sure people will come back around........

I am going to add a new feature to my blog.....every now and again i am going to post one of my peices of writings....some will be raps, others will just be poems......and some might just be letters who knows....hey maybe some record producers or something will see them and i will become big......then again that is only in my dreams....anyway until next time......

Peace and One

Song of the day --> "Dreams" by The Game

Website of the day--> www.netflix.com Cool website sure beats the hell outta renting from a local video store...9.99 a month hell yeA..........


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