A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Just Like You!

Hello agian everyone. How is everything going this fine....moment. Went to work last night.....wasn't a bad night I guess......
Hey If anyone likes WWE Wrestling be sure to vote for 'Taboo Tuesday' at www.wwe.com
Nothing new really to say....man i had more interesting post's when i did not post for a long time. I think i might try and just post writing peices until something is accualy worth posting on here, lets try that shall we. Email me at day_turns_to_night@yahoo.com and tell me if you like it better that way. So until next time....

Peace & One

"Just Wanted to Say"

Please don’t laugh if this entry is weak
Because it seems that I only write well
When my life seems like I am living in Hell
Cuz’ now I’m not, I’m living very well, cant you tell?

It’s been almost two months now
And I keep asking myself…how?
Did I get so lucky to get a girl like you
You lifted me up when I was feeling so blue

Everything seems so perfect, Now that I have you
I love you with all my heart, and hope that you love me too
I know deep down that you’re the one
So this entry is here just so simply say….I LOVE YOU HUN!!!!



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