A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Don't Wanna Be An Americain Idiot!

Hey everyone have not posted in a few days.....my bad.....have been enjoying my few days off....but sadly i gotta go back into work tonight. Ah well gotta make that money.

I got "Constintine" in from netflix a few days ago and watched it...it was really good. I recomend people to go see it. I also have a profile where i rated pretty much every movie i have ever seen, it can be seen in the Yahoo! Movies profile under day_turns_to_night . We also got several movies in from BMG DVD club. We got Seed of Chucky, Saw, Sherk 2, Shark Tale, and Alone in the Dark (which is not that good).
Anyways Ness is at work right now so i am going to get off here and eat my few hotdogs and TRY and take a little cat nap. So i am going to leave you with a peice of writng as well...this one i wrote a few years back....in no way does it really portray me right now but i think it is fairly good. So enjoy and until next time......

Peace & One

P.S. Jimmie Johnson Sucks....Tony got screwed but dont worry he will be back!

Song of the Day --> "Americain Idiot" by Green Day


My Story
By: u2o Quicksilver

Fuck this place, I hate you all
My life just sucks
Things are going wrong
So many thoughts are going through my head
Woundering who is real
And who is fake
You say I’m not alone
But show me proof that says I’m not!

My life crashes down
And I wounder why
Where did I go wrong
Its not your fault
Ill be alright, just shut the door

It was this, but, now its that
Make up your mind
Don’t hit me dad
Don’t yell at me
It wasn’t me, was it that?

Im sorry mom
I did not call you
You know I love you
No matter what that say
I Just wanted to say "hey"


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