A Day In The Life Of....Well....Me!

My blog with niffty extras

Location: Ohio, United States

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Jesus Walks.......

I was listening to Kanye West and it got me inspertated to do some writing, So I have 2 for the price of 1 Sorta say.......

As for the blog stuff.....Work is screwin' me over....But hey stuff happens, we will see what happens i am sure everything will be okay.....

So lets get to the good stuff. One is named "Hard Times" and the other is called "Back Again (Remember)".

Peace and One,

Artist of the Day ---> Kanye West, Go out and get his new album "Late Registration"

Back Again (Remember)

I Rember when I had nothing
But now I Got Somthing
Which is more than yo' Ass can say
Cuz quite frankly dog, everyone thinks your Gay

Excuse Me I didn't mean that
Please everyone let me take that back
Man I must be getting of the track
Cuz now everyone thinks my shits whack

But they wont be sayin that when i be famous
Im going to be big like Kanye was with Jesus
Back on the dropout tape
So Lets all sit back and see what Q can Make

Hard Times

Hard Times goin on now
And I'm wounderin' how
Man they be crazy fuckin' with me
All I want is to be free

Im simaler to you
I know you dont want me to
Ill take down you and your crew
And in my hand will be a can of brew

The only thing you can do
Is sit back and realize it's true
That me and my crew, we just be better than you
I bet by now yoru feeling pretty blue

Cuz' even when i'm gone
My spirit will live on
Even when you be down and out
Ill be sittin in heaven watchin you Ball & Pout


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